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UnHeardOf STL is a (free) interactive audio map of downtown that

tells the (diverse) stories of St Louis history through cinematic audio stories; historical figures tell you about their lives as you (stand right in the spots

where they lived and worked.

UnHeardOf STL tells the stories both St Louisans and visitors need to hear to embrace our history and create a better future.


With funding from the Regional Arts Council and individual donors; 

partnerships with the St Louis Public Library, KDHX, STL Style;

an eager and relevant audience;

and St Louis' best writers and actors,

this is a homegrown project with incredible potential to change the

artistic, media, and cultural landscape of our city.


Contact Adam Frick-Verdine

for more information, or to support our work.

UnHeardOf STL is a non-profit project

through fiscal sponsorship by Midwest Artist Project Services.

UnHeardOf STL is produced by




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